The latest version of our catalog ERVAC / MODULES
(December 2024)
Please find in download version our latest catalog presenting our various modular products.
ATTENTION! New drawing page 9.
The latest version of our catalog ERVAC / MODULES
(December 2024)
Please find in download version our latest catalog presenting our various modular products.
ATTENTION! New drawing page 9.
Notre catalogue EZVAC 2021
For its 20th anniversary, Plug In presents is latest, newest handbook on the family's modules.
Ervac, Module F, Module Coax, ModulR
New range of environmental tight feedthroughs designed for Glove Boxes applications.
Full polyester body. KF DN40. Different connectors. Average delivery time : 4 weeks or less.
It is increasingly common for HV (High Vacuum) and UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) applications to include flanges equipped with optical fiber feedthroughs.
Hermetic Feedthroughs Vacuum Technologies
Plug in manufactures the finest quality product available to the marketplace, however these products are intended to be used in accordance with the specifications described in this catalog.
ERVAC Hermetic feedthroughs range is expanding again with two major products.
Feedthroughs by Plug In, and expanding universe...
Réalisations PLUG IN 2005
The human likes to create, to experiment, to solve problems. Its ability to innovate to tend to this ideal depends on the quality of the implementation of its intelligences.